Remove hash (#) at front of the line
sed -e '^#' -i xxx.txt
Remove space / tab line
sed -e '^$' -i xxx.txtPurpose:
I want replace some string in another sed file.
So I create another sed file to replace some string which I want.
Create a Sed file is called abc.txt
sed 's|>'"$var"'|>'"$Do"'|g' -i abc.txt
Create another Sed file is called bcd.txt
sed 's|'"$Before_Do_Happy"'|'"$After_Do_Happy"'|g' -i bcd.txt
Grep piping into sed, replacing inline
grep -rl "general.js" . | xargs sed -i 's|general.js|js\/general.js|g'
To remove all blank line & whitespace (include tabs) sed -e '/^$/d' -i Happy.asp # To remove all blank lines sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' -i Happy.asp # To remove all whitespace (including tabs) from left to first word
- Replace a String in Multiple Files in Linux Using Grep and Sed
- sed tip: Remove / Delete All Leading Blank Spaces / Tabs ( whitespace ) From Each Line
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