2015年8月23日 星期日

[Operation System] Learn how to build mini-arm-os and understand it

Preparation to build environment for jserv/mini-arm-os
Download python (2.7.10)

Archlinux :
pacman -S --noconfirm gcc # The GNU Compiler Collection - C and C++ frontends
pacman -S --noconfirm pkg-config # A system for managing library compile/link flags
pacman -S --noconfirm pixman # The pixel-manipulation library for X and cairo
pacman -S --noconfirm dtc # Open Firmware device tree compiler
pacman -S --noconfirm git # version control system
pacman -S --noconfirm lib32-glibc # GNU C Library (32-bit)

Ubuntu :
sudo apt-get install glibc* gthread* gcc dtc

Start to build:
Download QEMU with an STM32 microcontroller implementation (tar.gz)
git clone git://github.com/beckus/qemu_stm32.git
cd qemu_stm32
git submodule update --init dtc
./configure --disable-werror --enable-debug \
    --target-list="arm-softmmu" \
    --extra-cflags=-DDEBUG_CLKTREE \
    --extra-cflags=-DDEBUG_STM32_RCC \
    --extra-cflags=-DDEBUG_STM32_UART \
    --extra-cflags=-DSTM32_UART_NO_BAUD_DELAY \
    --extra-cflags=-DSTM32_UART_ENABLE_OVERRUN \

sudo make install

Download GCC for ARM(Download Point - gcc arm embedded)

Set the path of gcc compile tool


Cross-Compiler: gcc-arm-none-eabi-5_4-2016q2-20160622-linux.tar.bz2

Download mini-arm-os
git clone https://github.com/jserv/mini-arm-os.git

cd /home/happy/test/mini-arm-os/00-HelloWorld


arm-none-eabi-gcc -fno-common -O0 -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -T hello.ld -nostartfiles  hello.c startup.c -o hello.elf

arm-none-eabi-objcopy -Obinary hello.elf hello.bin

arm-none-eabi-objdump -S hello.elf > hello.list

make qemu
Result :

STM32_UART: UART3 Baud is set to 0 bits per sec.
STM32_UART: UART2 clock is set to 0 Hz.
STM32_UART: UART2 BRR set to 0.
STM32_UART: UART2 Baud is set to 0 bits per sec.
STM32_UART: UART1 clock is set to 0 Hz.
STM32_UART: UART1 BRR set to 0.
STM32_UART: UART1 Baud is set to 0 bits per sec.
CLKTREE: HSI Output Change (SrcClk:None InFreq:8000000 OutFreq:8000000 Mul:1 Div:1 Enabled:1)
CLKTREE: HSI/2 Output Change (SrcClk:HSI InFreq:8000000 OutFreq:4000000 Mul:1 Div:2 Enabled:1)
CLKTREE: SYSCLK Output Change (SrcClk:HSI InFreq:8000000 OutFreq:8000000 Mul:1 Div:1 Enabled:1)
CLKTREE: HCLK Output Change (SrcClk:SYSCLK InFreq:8000000 OutFreq:8000000 Mul:1 Div:1 Enabled:1)
STM32_RCC: Cortex SYSTICK frequency set to 8000000 Hz (scale set to 125).
STM32_RCC: Cortex SYSTICK ext ref frequency set to 1000000 Hz (scale set to 1000).
CLKTREE: PCLK1 Output Change (SrcClk:HCLK InFreq:8000000 OutFreq:8000000 Mul:1 Div:1 Enabled:1)
CLKTREE: PCLK2 Output Change (SrcClk:HCLK InFreq:8000000 OutFreq:8000000 Mul:1 Div:1 Enabled:1)
CLKTREE: GPIOA Output Change (SrcClk:PCLK2 InFreq:8000000 OutFreq:8000000 Mul:1 Div:1 Enabled:1)
CLKTREE: AFIO Output Change (SrcClk:PCLK2 InFreq:8000000 OutFreq:8000000 Mul:1 Div:1 Enabled:1)
CLKTREE: UART2 Output Change (SrcClk:PCLK1 InFreq:8000000 OutFreq:8000000 Mul:1 Div:1 Enabled:1)
STM32_UART: UART2 clock is set to 8000000 Hz.
STM32_UART: UART2 BRR set to 0.
STM32_UART: UART2 Baud is set to 0 bits per sec.
Hello World!

Next Chapter: [OS][mini-arm-os] 02-ContextSwitch-1


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