2016年8月2日 星期二

[Archlinux] How to compile the package of pacman

Important paragraph:
Pacman +---> Configuration file
               +-> RootDir = The path which install the binary file
               +-> DBPath  = The Database of pacman
               |      +      Execute "./pacman -Syy" will create local and sync
               |      |              which under /var/lib/pacman
               |      |
               |      |               sync = Put all DB under this path
               |      |
               |      +----> According the setting(below) in configuration file
               |             [core]
               |             [extra]
               |             [community]
               +-> CacheDir= Put all package which download from internet.

Download pacman to compile.
git clone git@github.com:Jumbo88888/Linux_Cross_Compiler_tools.git

./pacman -Syy
After synchronize package databases, the file of db are stored under following path.

Ignore the signed keys check
vim etc/pacman.conf
#SigLevel    = Required DatabaseOptional -->
SigLevel    = Never

./pacman -S geany
Some package store under following path.
After download the package will start to install the package.


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