2016年8月11日 星期四

[sabayon] Install binary package by using the branch(sabayon) of gentoo

Install equo
# emerge equo

Put the database file under amd64
# cd /var/lib/entropy/client/database/amd64
# curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sabayon/docker-armhfp/master/base-armhfp/ext/equo.sql
# cat ./equo.sql | sudo sqlite3 equo.db

first generate the entropy database
# sudo equo rescue generate

Update the database
# equo update
# equo repo mirrorsort sabayonlinux.org

Note :

If you get an error message that the overlays do not exist then you need to add them:
# layman –add sabayon
# layman –add sabayon-distro

Update the Sabayon overlays to the latest versions:
# layman –sync sabayon
# layman –sync sabayon-distro

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