2016年11月13日 星期日

[DFS] Test DFS in the Lab

When radar detect disturbance, the DUT will switch to another channel.

This is DFS testing topology. SG send disturbed signal to DUT, and watch channel which will switch to another on oscilloscope.
WiFi card connect by wire. So SG can add 5 db power to send disturbed signal.

                  +--------------+          +--------------------+
                  | Oscilloscope |          |Signal Generator(SG)|
                  +-------+------+          +----------+---------+
                          |                            |
+---------+          +---------+    |    +---------+
|         |          |         |    |    |         |
|   CPE   | <------> |   DUT   | <--+--> |   PC    |
|         |          |         |         |         |
+---------+          +---------+         +---------+

    +                                          +
    |                                          |
    |                 Iperf                    |

EURO : test band2 & band3 for 20MHz / 80MHz
US : test band3 for 20MHz / 40MHz / 80MHz

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