2017年3月29日 星期三

[Java] How to import external library

Import external library into .m2 repository.
mvn install:install-file \
 -Dfile=/home/happy/workspace/Java-WebSocket/dist/java_websocket.jar \
 -DgroupId=org.java-websocket \
 -DartifactId=Java-WebSocket \
 -Dversion=1.3.1 \

Java-WebSocket will install in following folder.

Add the following command tell project which external library will be used.

import org.java_websocket.WebSocketImpl;

Add following script into pom.xml file.

<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/javax.websocket/javax.websocket-api -->

Execute mvn clean install will install javax.websocket-api.


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