2010年7月17日 星期六

[Timus Online Judge] 1294. Mars satellites

Got the AC.
According to Euclidean distance in various coordinate systems.

Keypoint printf("Distance is %.0lf km.",x);
Using .0lf no print number behind the point.
ie. 2.23 printf just 2

lf = double

1294. Mars satellites
Time Limit: 1.0 second
Memory Limit: 16 MB
Four artificial satellites travel in one plane along the areostationary orbit around Mars. They have code names A, B, C and D and travel exactly in this order. Venus’s scouts for military purposes (for what particular purpose they did not say) decided to find a distance between satellites C and D. All Mars satellites could measure distances to the other satellites, that is why all what is needed to do is to penetrate in the computer system of satellite C and measure the distance to satellite D (or vice versa). Nevertheless, Martians are not so stupid and have not very bad defense. That is why all what could Venus’s scouts do is to break the defense of satellites A and B (that were older models). They measured distances from satellites A and B to satellites C and D, but now they do not know how to find the distance from C to D using these measurements. You can help them.
There are 4 numbers: distances from A to D, from A to C, from B to D and from B to C in thousands kilometers (integers from 1 to 10000). Satellites can measure distance even through the planet and you may assume that orbit is a circle. Do not assume the radius of the orbit equal to 20392 km as it should be for the real areostationary orbit.
If it is impossible to find out the distance from C to D with these data, you should print "Impossible.", otherwise you are to print "Distance is X km.", where X is the required distance in kilometers (rounded to the integer number).


4 7 5 7


Distance is 5385 km.


int main()
int AD,AC,BD,BC;
double x, _x;
double cos_ ;
scanf("%d %d %d %d",&AD,&AC,&BD,&BC);

if (fabs(AD*AC - BD*BC) < 0.001){
cos_ = (double)(AD*AD + AC*AC - BD*BD - BC*BC) / (double)(2*AD*AC - 2*BD*BC);
x = sqrt (AD*AD + AC*AC - 2*AD*AC*cos_) * 1000;
_x = floor(x);

if (fabs(x - _x) > 0.5){
x = ceil(x);
x = _x;
printf("Distance is %.0lf km.",x);
return 0;

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