No set enviroment -- Server don't know which Repository you want
set enviroment variable
typeecho $SHELL
<-- to understand which shell I use
#CVS Environment variables
setenv CVSROOT $HOME/cvsroot
setenv CVSEDITOR emacs
#CVS Environment variables
export CVSROOT=$HOME/cvsroot
export CVSEDITOR=emacs
Check enviroment
In the terminal type:
env <-- after this command will show enviroment variable
Upload Original New_project into Repository
If I have one directory call project.
type cd /XXX/XXX/projectname <-- under directory of projectname
cvs import -m "dir structure" XXX(
projectname)XXX(yourname) start
"dir structure" <-- any name you can pick
projectname) <-- you under at which directory
"XXX(yourname)" and "start" are really unimportant - they are just version and "vendor" labels.
Use Cervisia download New_project
Repository : :pserver:luke@
luke <-- depend on which user you use
/home/luke/cvsroot/ <-- depend on which Repository you upload the new project
Module :POS_system <-- depend on you. You can choose any name
Working folder : /home/luke/test5 <-- You can choose any working folder you like.
And press "OK"
Open Sandbox (This is mean working folder)
Choose the working folder before
Working folder : /home/luke/test5 <-- You can choose any working folder you like.
And press "OK" --> Start to work
2011年7月31日 星期日
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