2011年12月16日 星期五

[Bash Script] Some symbol to explain

Reference : http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/refcards.html

Appendix B. Reference Cards

The following reference cards provide a useful summary of certain scripting concepts. The foregoing text treats these matters in more depth, as well as giving usage examples.

Table B-1. Special Shell Variables




Filename of script


Positional parameter #1

$2 - $9

Positional parameters #2 - #9


Positional parameter #10


Number of positional parameters


All the positional parameters (as a single word) *


All the positional parameters (as separate strings)


Number of positional parameters


Number of positional parameters


Return value


Process ID (PID) of script


Flags passed to script (using set)


Last argument of previous command


Process ID (PID) of last job run in background

* Must be quoted, otherwise it defaults to "$@".

Table B-2. TEST Operators: Binary Comparison











Arithmetic Comparison



String Comparison



Equal to



Equal to





Equal to


Not equal to



Not equal to


Less than



Less than (ASCII) *


Less than or equal to





Greater than



Greater than (ASCII) *


Greater than or equal to








String is empty





String is not empty






Arithmetic Comparison

within double parentheses (( ... ))





Greater than





Greater than or equal to





Less than





Less than or equal to




* If within a double-bracket [[ ... ]] test construct, then no escape \ is needed.

Table B-3. TEST Operators: Files


Tests Whether



Tests Whether


File exists



File is not zero size


File is a regular file





File is a directory



File has read permission


File is a symbolic link



File has write permission


File is a symbolic link



File has execute permission


File is a block device





File is a character device



sgid flag set


File is a pipe



suid flag set


File is a socket



"sticky bit" set


File is associated with a terminal










File modified since it was last read


F1 -nt F2

File F1 is newer than F2 *


You own the file


F1 -ot F2

File F1 is older than F2 *


Group id of file same as yours


F1 -ef F2

Files F1 and F2 are hard links to the same file *







NOT (inverts sense of above tests)




* Binary operator (requires two operands).

Table B-4. Parameter Substitution and Expansion




Value of var (same as $var)




If var not set, evaluate expression as $DEFAULT *


If var not set or is empty, evaluate expression as $DEFAULT *




If var not set, evaluate expression as $DEFAULT *


If var not set, evaluate expression as $DEFAULT *




If var set, evaluate expression as $OTHER, otherwise as null string


If var set, evaluate expression as $OTHER, otherwise as null string




If var not set, print $ERR_MSG and abort script with an exit status of 1.*


If var not set, print $ERR_MSG and abort script with an exit status of 1.*




Matches all previously declared variables beginning with varprefix


Matches all previously declared variables beginning with varprefix

* If var is set, evaluate the expression as $var with no side-effects.

Table B-5. String Operations




Length of $string




Extract substring from $string at $position


Extract $length characters substring from $string at $position [zero-indexed, first character is at position 0]




Strip shortest match of $substring from front of $string


Strip longest match of $substring from front of $string


Strip shortest match of $substring from back of $string


Strip longest match of $substring from back of $string




Replace first match of $substring with $replacement


Replace all matches of $substring with $replacement


If $substring matches front end of $string, substitute $replacement for $substring


If $substring matches back end of $string, substitute $replacement for $substring





expr match "$string" '$substring'

Length of matching $substring* at beginning of $string

expr "$string" : '$substring'

Length of matching $substring* at beginning of $string

expr index "$string" $substring

Numerical position in $string of first character in $substring* that matches [0 if no match, first character counts as position 1]

expr substr $string $position $length

Extract $length characters from $string starting at $position [0 if no match, first character counts as position 1]

expr match "$string" '\($substring\)'

Extract $substring*, searching from beginning of $string

expr "$string" : '\($substring\)'

Extract $substring* , searching from beginning of $string

expr match "$string" '.*\($substring\)'

Extract $substring*, searching from end of $string

expr "$string" : '.*\($substring\)'

Extract $substring*, searching from end of $string

* Where $substring is a Regular Expression.

Table B-6. Miscellaneous Constructs








Test construct

if [[ CONDITION ]]

Extended test construct


Array initialization


Range of characters within a Regular Expression



Curly Brackets



Parameter substitution


Indirect variable reference

{ command1; command2; . . . commandN; }

Block of code


Brace expansion


Extended brace expansion


Text replacement, after find and xargs







( command1; command2 )

Command group executed within a subshell

Array=(element1 element2 element3)

Array initialization


Command substitution, new style


Process substitution


Process substitution



Double Parentheses


(( var = 78 ))

Integer arithmetic

var=$(( 20 + 5 ))

Integer arithmetic, with variable assignment

(( var++ ))

C-style variable increment

(( var-- ))

C-style variable decrement

(( var0 = var1<98?9:21 ))

C-style trinary operation






"Weak" quoting


'Strong' quoting



Back Quotes



Command substitution, classic style


bash -- Standard Shell

Shell 和 Shell Script

Shell Programming

Introduction to if

String comparision operators


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