2012年4月26日 星期四

[Command] How to use dl

[Command] How to use dl

First make sure ping from PC to board is workable.

mainMenu> ?

Console Commands for this level:

 system               - Go to system Menu.

 docsis               - Go to DOCSIS Menu.

 wifi                 - Go to WIFI Menu.

 logger               - Go to Logger Menu.

 eventm               - Go to Event Manager Menu.

 version              - prints system version.

 gateway              - Go to Gateway Menu.

 help                 - Display menu commands.

 shortcuts            - Display key shortcuts help.

 exit                 - Exit this sub-menu, go to previous menu.

 shell                - Open shell command line, CLI in background.

 quit                 - Quit and terminate CLI.

 reboot               - Reboot the system.

mainMenu> docsis

docsis> ?

Console Commands for this level:

 version              - prints docsis version.

 phystatus            - <0 1 2 3 >;Display status of PHY  given channels.

 tuner                - <Master -1 / Slave - 0> <Freq>;Program the WB tuner to frequency (MHz).

 statustuner          - Tuner configuration data. In WBT � regular status. In NBT � status for all tuner.

 scan                 - stop/start scanning.

 cerreset             - <Rx channel 0,1,2,3> Reset CER counter.

 cmstatus             - Print CM status.

 listDocsisModules    - Show moudles list and indicates set/unset for each.

 configDocsisModule   - set/unset a module (module_id, 1/0).

 testDsLoss           - Simulate Ds signal loss (usPort, sec, recovTech).

 Show                 - go to Show Menu.

 Production           - go to Production Menu.

 Certification        - go to Certification Menu.

 General              - go to General Menu.

 Atp                  - go to Atp Menu.

 Fw                   - go to Fw Menu.

 Qos                  - go to Qos Menu.

 Debug                - go to Debug Menu.

 Dsid                 - go to Dsid Menu.

 Pp                   - go to Packet Processor Menu.

 Psm                  - go to Power save mode Menu.

 help                 - Display menu commands.

 shortcuts            - Display key shortcuts help.

 exit                 - Exit this sub-menu, go to previous menu.

 top                  - Go to mainMenu.

 shell                - Open shell command line, CLI in background.

 quit                 - Quit and terminate CLI.

 reboot               - Reboot the system.

docsis> Production

ProductionMenu Entry Function

Production> ?

Console Commands for this level:

 dir                  - List the available modem software versions.

 dl                   - <sector number> <srvIPv4> <Interface Name> <name> <secured:0,1>;Download <name> form <srvIP> to <sec>.

 erase                - <sector number>;Erase <sector number>.

 prodset              - Set production params.

 prodshow             - Show production parameters.

 setdef               - <sector:1,2>;Set <sector> as default modem software.

 rev1set              - <Is Default STDMA:0/1>; Set Rev1 default to STDMA(1) or ATDMA(0).

 rev1get              - Shows Rev1 default: STDMA(1) or ATDMA(0).

 boardConfigs         - Print avaliable board configurations.

 currentBoardConfig   - Print current board configuration.

 Calibration          - go to Calibration.

 Test                 - go to Test Menu.

 Prodcertification    - go to Certification.

 help                 - Display menu commands.

 shortcuts            - Display key shortcuts help.

 exit                 - Exit this sub-menu, go to previous menu.

 top                  - Go to mainMenu.

 shell                - Open shell command line, CLI in background.

 quit                 - Quit and terminate CLI.

 reboot               - Reboot the system.


Production> dl 2 eth0 dg-120426.img 0

 ret is 3


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