[Laxte][multibib] How to make multibib (multiple bibliographies in one document) work
How to get multibib package1
Get the package that you want from the Comprehensive Tex Archive Network CTAN http://ctan.org/;
Get useful package multibib http://ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/multibib.
Download multibib.zip and unzip the zip file.
Run latex on the .ins file, which should create a file called .sty
$ latex multibib.ins
Make a directory for it to go in in your texmf tree
$ sudo mkdir /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/multibib
Put it in that directory
$ sudo cp multibib.sty /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/multibib
Run texhash to tell LaTeX to update itself so it finds the new package
$ sudo texhash
How to use it
In preamble
\newcites{FreeRadius}{FreeRadius} % Title FreeRadius % Title {tag}{Title}
\newcites{OpenSSL}{OpenSSL} % Title OpenSSL
In context
The blue one must like tag which define in \newcites{FreeRadius}{FreeRadius}
\nociteFreeRadius{*} % Display bib with cite
\bibliographystyleFreeRadius{plain} % (uses file "plain.bst")
\bibliographyFreeRadius{./data/Package/Source_code/Radius-server-ubuntu-10.04/FreeRadius.bib} % expects file "test3.bib"
\nociteOpenSSL{*} % Display bib with cite
\bibliographystyleOpenSSL{plain} % (uses file "plain.bst")
\bibliographyOpenSSL{./data/Package/Source_code/Radius-server-ubuntu-10.04/OpenSSL.bib} % expects file "test3.bib"
Download bib example
How to make font size small or big
Must use with package numbers
% reference name change
% Change List font size
% adjust number to change font size
\newcites{FreeRadius}{FreeRadius} % Title FreeRadius % Title {tag}{Title}
\newcites{OpenSSL}{OpenSSL} % Title OpenSSL
How to compile
Make a make file to do complex job.
pdf: ps
ps2pdf ${filename}.ps
ps: dvi
dvips ${filename}.dvi
xelatex ${filename}
bibtex ${filename}
bibtex OpenSSL
bibtex FreeRadius % Compile using tag which define \newcites{FreeRadius}{FreeRadius} in at this place. Blue one is title name.
xelatex ${filename}
xelatex ${filename}
evince ${filename}.pdf &
acroread ${filename}.pdf &
rm -f ${filename}.ps ${filename}.log ${filename}.aux ${filename}.out ${filename}.dvi ${filename}.bbl ${filename}.blg ${filename}.toc ${filename}.lof
Reference :
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