2012年9月10日 星期一

[Register][Chip][Date Sheet] How to write register number into system according data sheet

[Register][Chip][Date Sheet] How to write register number into system according data sheet

Data Sheet will write like the below.

Tell which bit represent what function.

0 bit - 14 bit  represent Rate limit for priority (R/W  can read and write)

15 bit (R/O only can read )

system("echo 0x69c 0x0014015f > /proc/avalanche/switch_write_reg");

0x69c mean which register

0x0014015f  can write down like second row

According to second row can write to third row.

If I want which function work, just change which bit status.

And third row convert to second row.

Then write second row number to 0x69c.

The description like

system("echo 0x69c 0x0014015f > /proc/avalanche/switch_write_reg");


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