2012年10月3日 星期三

[minidlna] How to type minidlna command

[minidlna] How to type minidlna command

minidlna -R -f /tmp/minidlna.conf

# minidlna

[1970/01/01 00:04:53] minidlna.c:778: error: Usage:

        minidlna [-d] [-v] [-f config_file]

                [-a listening_ip] [-p port]

                [-s serial] [-m model_number]

                [-t notify_interval] [-P pid_filename]

                [-w url] [-R] [-V] [-h]


        Notify interval is in seconds. Default is 895 seconds.

        Default pid file is /var/run/minidlna.pid.

        With -d minidlna will run in debug mode (not daemonize).

        -w sets the presentation url. Default is http address on port 80

        -h displays this text

        -R forces a full rescan

        -L do note create playlists

        -V print the version number

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