2013年1月29日 星期二

[C Language] Write a C code to produce a Bash script to replace a routine job, 

[C Language] Write a C code to produce a Bash script to replace a routine job, 

Result :

Use a C code to produce the command like below.


./z_First_Step ./IN/happy1.htm

./z_Second_Step Html2.txt TestScript

./z_Third_Step Html2.txt ./OUT/happy1.sh

./z_First_Step ./IN/happy2.htm

./z_Second_Step Html2.txt TestScript

./z_Third_Step Html2.txt ./OUT/happy2.sh

Write a C code.

Execute bin file and put one parameter into this C code. Then produce the Result.

Create execute bin file to create sh

./RunSh happy1

./RunSh happy2

C Code Display

#include <unistd.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>

#define WriteFileName "run.sh"

#define BUFF_LENG 4096

char *CreateScript(char *s,char *FileName)


    static char tmp[BUFF_LENG]={0};

    char tmp1[BUFF_LENG]={0};


Most important part.

Produce the script here.


    sprintf(tmp,"./z_First_Step ./IN/%s.htm\n",FileName);

    strcat(tmp,"./z_Second_Step Html2.txt TestScript\n");

    sprintf(tmp1,"./z_Third_Step Html2.txt ./OUT/%s.sh\n",FileName);



    return tmp;


int main(int argc, char **argv)


    size_t len;

    char buf[BUFF_LENG]={0};

    char *s1;


Transmit a parameter to C


    char *FileName = (char *)NULL;

    int len_argv = 0;

    if (argc != 2) return 1;

    len_argv = strlen(argv[1]);

    if ((FileName = malloc(len_argv + 1)) != NULL) {

       bzero(FileName, len_argv + 1);

       strncpy(FileName, argv[1], len_argv);




Open a file and write.


    FILE *fp;

    fp = fopen(WriteFileName, "a+");

    if (fp == NULL)


// Run Script

    s1 = CreateScript(buf,FileName);  // Transmit 2 parameter to CreateScript

    len = strlen(s1);

    fwrite(s1, len, 1, fp);


return 0;


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