2013年1月7日 星期一

[CVS] How to build up cvs server & login cvs server

Server :

1. Install cvs &

yum install cvs

yum install xinetd

2. mkdir a repository folder

mkdir /home/cvsroot

3. Create GroupName & UserName

groupadd cvs

useradd cvsroot –g cvs

passwd cvsroot

4. Change folder property of group & user

chgrp -R  GroupName cvsroot/

chown -R  UserName cvsroot/

5. vi /etc/xinetd.d/cvs

service cvspserver


        disable                 = no

        port                    = 2401

        socket_type             = stream

        protocol                = tcp

        wait                    = no

        user                    = root

        passenv                 = PATH

        server                  = /usr/bin/cvs

        env                     = HOME=/var/cvs

        server_args             = -f --allow-root=/home/cvsroot pserver

#       bind                    =


6. Start cvs

/etc/init.d/xinetd restart

Stopping xinetd:                                          [  Done  ]

Starting xinetd:                                          [  Done  ]

7. check firewall


vi /etc/selinux/config

# SELINUX=disabled

B. Firewall Configuration

 Firewall: [ ] Enabled


Create a user

#useradd happy –g cvs

#passwd happy

Client :

1. Login into Server

cvs -d :pserver:happy@ login (Test this will know the second one happy is password)


cvs -d :pserver:happy:happy@ login

First happy is account

Second happy is password

So go to server change the password of happy to happy.

If no see any error message, then successful.


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