A list of the specifications in the DOCSIS 3.0 series is provided.
For further information, please refer to http://www.cablemodem.com.
DOCSIS 3.0 Series of Specifications
CM-SP-PHYv3.0 Physical Layer Specification
CM-SP-MULPIv3.0 Media Access Control (MAC) and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification
CM-SP-OSSIv3.0 Operations Support System Interface Specification
CM-SP-SECv3.0 Security Specification
CM-SP-CMCIv3.0 Cable Modem CPE Interface Specification
This specification is defining the interface for MAC and Upper Layer Protocols.
CM-SP-eDOCSIS eDOCSIS™ Specification
CM-SP-CMCI Cable Modem CPE Interface Specification
CM-SP-DRFI Downstream Radio Frequency Interface Specification
CM-SP-DTI DOCSIS Timing Interface Specification
CM-SP-DEPI Downstream External PHY Interface Specification
CM-SP-DSG DOCSIS Set-Top Gateway Interface Specification
CM-SP-ERMI Edge Resource Manager Interface Specification
CM-SP-M-OSSI M-CMTS Operations Support System Interface Specification
CM-SP-L2VPN Layer 2 Virtual Private Networks Specification
CM-SP-TEI TDM Emulation Interfaces Specification
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