1. Download EAGLE from internet
2. Make *.sch file.

3. Eagle will create a *.brd file from *.sch file.
I draw the purple line to make all component connect together.

4. Print this design to paper.
Put the paper on the UV Exposure machine。

Put the PCB board on the paper.

Put the PCB board into developing solution.

Then put the PCB into engraving solution.
Keeping the temperature of engraving solution is at 44 degree.

Drill the hole on the PCB board.

Put the component on the PCB board.

Finish. YA

1. Get free PCB Design Software with the EAGLE Freeware version
2. DIY Arduino - 從洗電路板開始!(1)
3. Arduino Single-Sided Serial Board (version 3)
4. DJ Shield 2 for arduino
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