2013年5月22日 星期三

[Xelatex][Latex][BibTex] How to appear hyperlink in reference by using bibtex

[Xelatex][Latex][BibTex] How to appear hyperlink in reference by using bibtex

Using the url package

Get the package that you want from the Comprehensive Tex Archive Network CTAN http://ctan.org/;

Get useful package url  http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/url/

Download url.sty.

Create a folder url.

$ sudo mkdir /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/url

Put it in that directory

$ sudo cp url.sty /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/url

Run texhash to tell LaTeX to update itself so it finds the new package

$ sudo texhash

Using Jabref to create below format is more easy.

The most elemental way to include web references is via the howpublished key of the @MISC entry. Use


author = {Mary, John},

title = {This is wonderful experience},

month = jun,

year = {2001},








\bibliographystyle{plain} % The format of BibTex.

\bibliography{mybib} % Load the database was called "mybib".



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