- Download docsis-0.9.6.tar.bz2
- tar xvf docsis-0.9.6.tar.bz2
- sudo apt-get install m4 bison flex libsnmp-dev
“./configure” to configure the package for your system.
B. Type “make” to compile the package.
C. Type “make install” to install the programs and any data files and
Must do following step, otherwise docsis command can't find relative number of OID.
[docsis][Compiler tool] How to load the mibs file into docsis compiler tool - Excute the docsis binary file
happy@happy-laptop:~/Downloads/docsis-0.9.6/src$ ./docsis
DOCSIS Configuration File creator, version 0.9.6
Copyright (c) 1999,2000,2001 Cornel Ciocirlan, ctrl@users.sourceforge.net
Copyright (c) 2002,2003,2004,2005 Evvolve Media SRL, docsis@evvolve.com
To encode a cable modem configuration file:
./docsis -e <modem_cfg_file> <key_file> <output_file>
To encode multiple cable modem configuration files:
./docsis -m <modem_cfg_file1> ... <key_file> <new_extension>
To encode a MTA configuration file:
./docsis -p <mta_cfg_file> <output_file>
To encode multiple MTA configuration files:
./docsis -m -p <mta_file1> ... <new_extension>
To decode a CM or MTA config file:
./docsis -d <binary_file>
<cfg_file> = name of text (human readable) cable modem or MTA
configuration file
<key_file> = text file containing the authentication key
(shared secret) to be used for the CMTS MIC
<output_file> = name of output file where the binary data will
be written to (if it does not exist it is created).
<binary_file> = name of binary file to be decoded
<new_extension> = new extension to be used when encoding multiple files
See examples/*.cfg for configuration file format.
Please send bugs or questions to docsis-users@lists.sourceforge.net
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