===== 錄影工具 =====
Record a avi file.
And use Free Media Convert to convert the avi to swf.
Free Media Convert
The settings of film like below.
video Resolution : 1024*768
video Encoder : FLV
video Bit Rate : 1500 kbps
Video Frame Rate : 15 fps
===== Add more row in table =====
<td class="a9" rowspan="4"> <-------- if 4 row ,then chang rowspan to 4
<div align="center">
第三週 (20131012)</div>
Then add follow code.
&alt;tr bgcolor="#F6F6F6">
<td class="a9">
<td height="24">
===== 20131012 =====02.0 AMA-TriggerBased-Animations(1)-Basic-2013-0701.pptx
02.4 AMA-TriggerBased-Animations(2)-One2One-2013-0701.pptx
Reference :
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