[Terminal][ubuntu] Linux don't display path on command line Posted by Computer Newbie on 下午6:58 in Linux, Ubuntu / No comments vim ~/.bashrc PS1='${debian_chroot#+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h#' Reference: Hide current working directory in terminal Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+ Stumble Digg 以電子郵件傳送這篇文章BlogThis!分享至 X分享至 Facebook Related Posts:[minicom] How to send command to remote machine [minicom] How to send command to remote machine 1. Do the following command Generate a rsa keypair: # ssh-keygen (Local machine create rsa keypair… Read More[TTYUSB0] How to send message to console from remote machine[TTYUSB0] How to send message to console from remote machine1. Type local machine send message to remote machine.ssh -l happy "bash /h… Read More[sshfs] How to use sshfs mount remote folder [sshfs] How to use sshfs mount remote folder 1. Install sshfs sudo apt-get install sshfs 2. Create a folder was called test12345678 mkdir /home/freem… Read More[minicom][Script] How to use minicom script to do something [minicom][Script] How to use minicom script to do something 1. Write a script call test expect { &n… Read More[tee] How to display message on the console and output to the file [tee] How to display message on the console and output to the file 1. input some message to /dev/ttyUSB0 echo "show" > /dev/ttyUSB0 2. c… Read More
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