2013年11月3日 星期日

[virtualbox] same UUID as an existing virtual machine vmdk

1. create UUID number
vboxmanage internalcommands sethduuid <image name>

vboxmanage internalcommands sethduuid ubuntu10.04.vmdk
UUID changed to: 27a7404d-b867-43f5-ae96-ee16cb6fffb5

vboxmanage internalcommands sethduuid ubuntu10.04.vmdk
UUID changed to: 978ebc66-6af0-40e6-9581-1375350a84b4

2. Using gedit to open ubuntu10.04.vbox to edit
  Machine uuid="{0af03268-03d4-40cf-aa95-395c341d6a59}
        HardDisk uuid="{5c0711ca-152e-4194-afb3-7c64dc2c460e}
        Image uuid="{4c804b9c-75e3-4254-8b2e-29d1784d4f2d}

Change Machine uuid & HardDisk uuid & Image uuid by using the first step which we were created.

3. Execute virtualbox
Press the button of "New".
Type Name --> Then press Next button.

Choose "Use an existing virtual hard drive file" --> choose which vmdk you want to clone.
Then press "Create" button.

All action will be done.

Q :
I don't create successfully.

Please delete the clone image which you created.
At virtualbox Manager
Select remove "the clone image which you created."
Then choose the button "Delete all files".

Create a new image again.


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