* Create a testfile.txt at the first.
* This is a example to show pointer how to work.
* 1.
* So we allocate one block was called happy.
* And block size is 1024.
* We can write down like below.
* char happy[1024] = {0};
* 2.
* We assign one pointer was called ptr.
* We can write down like below.
* char *ptr = NULL;
* 3. Assign block memory to pointer, then through it write function.
* */
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int i = 0;
char *ptr = NULL;
/* A nice long string */
char happy[1024] = {0};
printf( "Please enter a long string: " );
/* notice stdin being passed in */
fgets ( happy, 1024, stdin );
/* Understand what is point work
* Point can represent a array
* So this example is wonder example.
* */
/* Create testfile.txt at the first */
int filedesc = open("testfile.txt", O_WRONLY | O_APPEND);
if(filedesc < 0)
return 1;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
if(write(filedesc,ptr, sizeof(happy)) != 1024)
write(2,"There was an error writing to testfile.txt\n",43);
return 1;
return 0;
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