Make sure the key have post github websit.
Step 1: Check for SSH keys
cd ~/.ssh
Step 2: Generate a new SSH key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
Step 3: cat ~/.ssh/
ssh-rsa AAAx3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAsyKnnxxxxF0GUxxkkAkI+41FDLZXRKC6QL/GuzcheyL3tvcUNNG/GyqgBSKOglUz+MvAy9PvObOpd1wVnPvFL/djmtvxxx/do93BCqX2xxvo/5Q3xM8xxxxxxxGJ/kKsWb0+KYi8xxxxxLRKz5FQTlnE8FyungbZxxxCKNqj/3YDV13RxxG61DIJvKxx5Q==
Copy the above code to following the webpage of github.
1. Go to setting page
2. Press "SSH key"
3. Press "Add SSH key"
4. Paste the above code into the column.
Step 4: Test everything out
ssh -T
# Hi username! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not
Git Clone :
Go to any folder which you want and copy any SSH clone URL (e.g. "").
Type the following command. After that enjoy your travel around the code of open source.
git clone
Reference :
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