2014年12月22日 星期一

[Packer] Quick to produce virtualbox image or vmware image

1. Download packer from official webpage
After download the compress file, uncompress it.
Edit Bash profile to set where packer is :
$ vim ~/.bashrc
Add lines to your $PATH variables:
export PATH=”~/packer:$PATH”
# ~/packer should be the path to wherever you installed packer
Source your profile:
$ source ~/.bashrc

2. Download bento from github
Most notably is Bento which has amassed a large collection of Packer base boxes:
cd ./bento/packer

3. Choose one configuration file (json) to produce image
packer build config.json
Start to build image according to json which define the path of iso, the command of environment.

Reference :
1.The Quest for Automated Interrogation pt 3
2.Packer - 幫您打包好不同虛擬機器 image 的好幫手!

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