2015年1月15日 星期四

[tmux] Tmux with tmuxifier

1. Download tmuxifier
git clone https://github.com/jimeh/tmuxifier.git ~/.tmuxifier

2. vim ~/.profile
[[ -s "$HOME/.tmuxifier/init.sh" ]] && source "$HOME/.tmuxifier/init.sh"
export EDITOR=vim

tmuxifier new-window example
 # set Working Directory is ~/project/example

    window_root "~/project/example"

    # Set Title
    new_window "Example"

    # The horizontal width is 50%.
    split_h 50

    # The vertical hight is 50%.
    split_v 50

    # run 0~2 
    run_cmd "vim" 0
    run_cmd "date" 1
    run_cmd "htop" 2

    # change window to 0
    select_pane 0

    # Window 0 ,enter into VIM editor,Sending edit command to vim.
    send_keys "iI Love Vim"


4. start to use
Type tmux to login tmux

Load configuration
tmuxifier load-window example


1. 使用 tmux 與 tmuxifier 打造 Console 開發環境(比 screen 更棒)

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