2015年2月27日 星期五

[Epson L355][Archlinux] Install L355 driver into Archlinux

1. Download tarball from Ref[1]
tar the tarball.

2. Instll dependency
sudo pacman -S cups # For standards-based, open source printing system

In cups v 2.0.0
The server name has been changed.

Enable cups so it start with system boot
systemctl enable org.cups.cupsd.service
systemctl daemon-reload
Start CUPS

systemctl start org.cups.cupsd.service
makepkg -g
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found epson-inkjet-printer-201207w-1.0.0-1lsb3.2.src.rpm
==> Generating checksums for source files...

makepkg -o
==> Making package: epson-inkjet-printer-201207w 1.0.0-8 (Fri Feb 27 21:45:23 CST 2015)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found epson-inkjet-printer-201207w-1.0.0-1lsb3.2.src.rpm
==> Validating source files with sha256sums...
    epson-inkjet-printer-201207w-1.0.0-1lsb3.2.src.rpm ... Passed
==> Extracting sources...
  -> Extracting epson-inkjet-printer-201207w-1.0.0-1lsb3.2.src.rpm with bsdtar
==> Sources are ready.

makepkg # For Compile package

makepkg -i # For Install package
==> WARNING: A package has already been built, installing existing package...
==> Installing package epson-inkjet-printer-201207w with pacman -U...
[sudo] password for freeman: 
Sorry, try again.
[sudo] password for freeman: 
loading packages...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (1) epson-inkjet-printer-201207w-1.0.0-8

Total Installed Size:  4.69 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 

4. Install cups printer configuration tool 
pacman -S system-config-printer # For A CUPS printer configuration tool and status applet

Execute  system-config-printer
sudo system-config-printer

1. epson-inkjet-printer-201207w 1.0.0-8
3. How to install a network HP printer on Arch linux
4. Printing problem with ArchLinux and Gnome 3.14 and cups service

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