2015年2月9日 星期一

[Reinstall][ArchLinux] Computer reinstall && quick install the tool script at ArchLinux

  1. pacman -S --noconfirm base-devel # For basic command - make ...
  2. pacman -S --noconfirm lshw # For
  3. pacman -S --noconfirm xf86-input-synaptics # For Notebook touchpad
  4. pacman -S --noconfirm sudo # For allows a system administrator to delegate authority to give certain
  5. pacman -S --noconfirm ntfs-3g # For NTFS hard disk

  6. pacman -S --noconfirm ttf-dejavu # For Basic English word
  7. pacman -S --noconfirm wqy-zenhei # For Chinese word
    Source Code
  8. pacman -S --noconfirm wqy-microhei # For Chinese word (文泉驛微米黑)

  9. pacman -S --noconfirm network-manager-applet # For The NetworkManager Applet provides a tool and a panel applet used to configure wired and wireless network connections through GUI

    After install this package, the interface of networking can connect to wifi by using networking GUI.
    sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager (Enable = Auto start at each boot )
    sudo systemctl start NetworkManager (Start = Start this at once)
  10. pacman -S --noconfirm wireless_tools (iwconfig) # For wavemon is an ncurses-based monitoring application for wireless network devices
  11. pacman -S --noconfirm wavemon # For Tools allowing to manipulate the Wireless Extensions
  12. pacman -S --noconfirm ibus # For Input-method framework for Unix-like computer 
    pacman -S --noconfirm ibus-table-chinese # For Table-based input method of tables engines for IBus
  13. # pacman -S --noconfirm ibus-rime # For Rime Input Method Engine for IBus
  14. pacman -S --noconfirm flashplugin # For Flashplayer
  15. pacman -S --noconfirm synergy #For Mouse and keyboard sharing software
  16. pacman -S --noconfirm qt5 #For A cross-platform application and UI framework (For synergy)
  17. pacman -S --noconfirm qt4 #For A cross-platform application and UI framework (For virtualbox)
  18. pacman -S --noconfirm qtcreator #For Qt Creator is a new, lightweight, cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) designed
  19. pacman -S --noconfirm net-tools #For ifconfig command

  20. pacman -S --noconfirm gcc # For The GNU Compiler Collection - C and C++ frontends

  21. pacman -S --noconfirm ntp # For Network Time Protocol reference implementation (ntpdate)

  22. pacman -S --noconfirm dosfstools # For Format flash disk to FAT/NTFS
  23. pacman -S --noconfirm imagemagick # For An image viewing/manipulation program include convert command
  24. pacman -S --noconfirm libwmf-bin # For view/ convert Windows Meta File (.wmf) in Linux

  25. pacman -S --noconfirm texmaker # For Cross-platform LaTeX editor for linux

  26. pacman -S --noconfirm openssh # For ssh daemon
    sudo systemctl enable sshd
    sudo systemctl start sshd

  27. pacman -S --noconfirm wget # For retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS and FTP
  28. pacman -S --noconfirm aria2 # For aria2 is a lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source command-line download utility.
  29. pacman -S --noconfirm notepadqq # For notepadqq editor
  30. pacman -S --noconfirm geany # For geany editor
  31. pacman -S --noconfirm inetutils # For Telnet is the traditional protocol for making remote console connections over TCP.

  32. pacman -S --noconfirm vagrant # For virtual development environments
  33. pacman -S --noconfirm docker # Pack ship and run any application as a lightweight container

  34. pacman -S --noconfirm dhclient # For get dynamic ip address
  35. pacman -S --noconfirm traceroute # For Tracks the route taken by packets over an IP network

  36. pacman -S --noconfirm gdb # GDB, the GNU Project debugger, allows you to see what is going on `inside' another program while it executes

  37. pacman -S --noconfirm minicom # For Text-based modem control
  38. pacman -S --noconfirm picocom # For Minimal dumb-terminal emulation program

  39. pacman -S --noconfirm gnome-calculator # For GNOME Scientific calculator
  40. pacman -S --noconfirm cloc # Count Lines of Code
  41. pacman -S --noconfirm doxygen # For A documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL and PHP

  42. pacman -S --noconfirm file-roller # For File Roller is an archive manager
  43. pacman -S --noconfirm icedtea-web # For Free web browser plugin to run applets written in Java and an implementation of Java Web Start
  44. pacman -S --noconfirm ghex # For Comparison of hex editors
  45. pacman -S --noconfirm tmux # For Terminal multiplexe
  46. pacman -S --noconfirm xournal # For PDF Reader & Editor
    Source code
  47. pacman -S --noconfirm xournalpp # For PDF Reader & Editor
  48. pacman -S --noconfirm tree # For Lists the contents of directories
  49. pacman -S --noconfirm sshfs # For Filesystem client to mount
  50. pacman -S --noconfirm thunderbird # For open source email, news, and chat client

  51. pacman -S --noconfirm mlocate # For the location of file
    [Archlinux] mlocate - find location of file
  52. pacman -S --noconfirm dvd+rw-tools # For dvd burning tools (growisofs)

  53. pacman -S --noconfirm roxterm # For ROXTerm is a terminal emulator intended to provide similar features to gnome-terminal
  54. pacman -S --noconfirm gnome-terminal # For The GNOME Terminal Emulator
  55. pacman -S --noconfirm atril # For PDF viewer
  56. pacman -S --noconfirm pdfmod # For Simple application for modifying PDF written in C Sharp
  57. pacman -S --noconfirm blender # For A fully integrated 3D graphics creation suite

  58. pacman -S --noconfirm calligra-flow # For Flowchart & Diagram Editing

  59. pacman -S --noconfirm kolourpaint # Inkscape is professional quality vector graphics software which runs on Windows, Mac OS X and GNU/Linux.
  60. pacman -S --noconfirm inkscape # For Paint Program
  61. pacman -S --noconfirm pinta # For Paint Program
  62. pacman -S --noconfirm pcmanfm # For PCMan File Manager (PCManFM) is a file manager application
  63. pacman -S --noconfirm file-roller # For Create and modify archives
  64. pacman -S --noconfirm pcmanfm-qt # For PCMan File Manager (PCManFM) is a file manager application
  65. pacman -S --noconfirm ranger # For Text-based file manager written in Python

  66. pacman -S --noconfirm gvfs-smb # For Windows network shares. (Type smb://  under File manager )
  67. pacman -S --noconfirm uget # For GTK+ download manager featuring download classification and HTML import.
  68. pacman -S --noconfirm xdotool # For Command-line X11 automation tool

  69. pacman -S --noconfirm gpicview # A Simple and Fast Image Viewer for X
  70. pacman -S --noconfirm tftp-hpa # A minimalistic means for transferring files

  71. pacman -S --noconfirm dia # For A GTK+ based diagram creation program
  72. pacman -S --noconfirm vlc (must install qt4 as well for GUI interface)# For Cross-platform multimedia player

  73. pacman -S --noconfirm chromium # For open-source browser project for all users to experience the web.

  74. pacman -S --noconfirm conky # Conky is a system monitor software for the X Window System
  75. pacman -S --noconfirm gnome-clocks # Clocks applications for GNOME
  76. pacman -S --noconfirm p7zip # p7zip is command line port of 7-Zip for POSIX systems, including Linux.
    [7-zip][Ubuntu] How to compress and decompress by using 7-zip
  77. pacman -S --noconfirm unrar # The RAR uncompression program
    [unrar] Extract rar file
  78. pacman -S --noconfirm zip # Compressor/archiver for creating and modifying zipfiles
  79. pacman -S --noconfirm xmind # (Fat) For Brainstorming and Mind Mapping Software
  80. pacman -S --noconfirm freemind # (26M smaller) For Brainstorming and Mind Mapping Software

  81. pacman -S --noconfirm freecad # A general purpose 3D CAD modeler
  82. pacman -S --noconfirm openscad # The programmers solid 3D CAD modeller

  83. pacman -S --noconfirm wine # For compatibility layer capable of running Microsoft Windows applications on Unix-like operating systems.

  84. Office
    1. pacman -S --noconfirm libreoffice-still # is the maintenance branch.
    2. pacman -S --noconfirm libreoffice-fresh # is the feature branch, with new program enhancements.
    3. pacman -S --noconfirm calligra-flow # Flowchart & Diagram Editing

    4. Edit /etc/pacman.conf

      SigLevel = Optional TrustedOnly
      Server = http://repo.archlinuxcn.org/$arch

      pacman -S --noconfirm wps-office # Kingsoft Office (WPS Office) is an office productivity suite
  85. Record Tools
    • video record
      • yaourt -S vokoscreen # For An easy to use screencast creator (Screen Recorder)
      • yaourt -S kazam # Kazam is a simple screen recording program that will capture the content of your screen (Screen Recorder)
      • pacman -S --noconfirm simplescreenrecorder # SimpleScreenRecorder is an application that enables you to record other applications and games running on your screen. (Screen Recorder)
    • audio record
      • audacity # For Record Audio and Save as MP3 File using Audacity
    • Edit video
      • pacman -S --noconfirm openshot # For OpenShot is an award-winning free and open-source video editor for Linux
      • pacman -S --noconfirm avidemux # For
      • pacman -S --noconfirm pitivi # Pitivi, a free and open source video editor for Linux
        • pacman -S --noconfirm gst-libav # Solve : gst-resource-error-quark
        • sudo pip install renderer # Solve : No module named 'renderer'
  86. Picture Tools
    • pacman -S --noconfirm nautilus # For File manager for gnome. Can show thumbnail picture.
    • pacman -S --noconfirm eog # For Eye of Gnome: An image viewing and cataloging program.(Picture)
    • pacman -S --noconfirm gnome-screenshot # For Take pictures of your screen
    • pacman -S --noconfirm deepin-screenshot # Quite easy-to-use screenshot tool
      • pacman -S --noconfirm qt #
    • pacman -S --noconfirm scrot # For minimalistic command line screen capturing application.(Picture)
    • pacman -S --noconfirm shutter # For Screen Capture
    • Raw file editor
      • pacman -S --noconfirm gimp-ufraw # For Converter for raw files; utility and GIMP plugin
  87. Embedded System Tools
    • pacman -S --noconfirm binwalk # For A tool for searching a given binary image for embedded files
  88. Compile VirtualBox source code
    • pacman -S --noconfirm iasl # For Intel ACPI Source Language compiler
    • pacman -S --noconfirm cdrtools # For Original cdrtools supporting CD, DVD and BluRay burning
  89. Virtualbox Tools
    • pacman -S --noconfirm virtualbox # For Run operating systems in a special environment
    • pacman -S --noconfirm dkms # For Dynamic Kernel Modules System
      Install this package for using USB device.
  90. CVS tools
    • pacman -S --noconfirm svn # For version control system originally designed to be a better CVS.
  91. Latex tools
    • pacman -S --noconfirm texlive-most # For latex
    • pacman -S --noconfirm texlive-langchinese # For latex language, Chinese package
    • pacman -S --noconfirm texlive-publishers
    • pacman -S --noconfirm texlive-core # For TeX Live core distribution
  92. Arduino library
    • pacman -S --noconfirm avrdude # For Download/upload/manipulate the ROM and EEPROM contents of AVR microcontrollers
  93. Git tools
    • pacman -S --noconfirm git # For Distributed revision control system
    • pacman -S --noconfirm gitg # A GIT repository viewer based on GTK+
    • pacman -S --noconfirm astyle # A free, fast and small automatic formatter for C, C++, C#, and Java source code.
    • pacman -S --noconfirm tig   # Text-mode interface for Git
    • gitk #
      • pacman -S --noconfirm git #
      • pacman -S --noconfirm tk # A windowing toolkit for use with tcl
  94. Network Monitor Tools
    • pacman -S --noconfirm wireshark-gtk # network protocol analyzer
    • pacman -S --noconfirm kismet # For 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system
    • pacman -S --noconfirm tcpdump # For A tool for network monitoring and data acquisition
  95. vim tools
    1. pacman -S --noconfirm vim # Vim editor
    2. pacman -S --noconfirm ctags # For Generates an index file of language objects found in source files
      If don't install this package, TagbarToggle can't be used.
    3. pacman -S --noconfirm cscope # For A developers tool for browsing program code

      printf "[archlinuxfr] \n SigLevel = Never \n Server = http://repo.archlinux.fr/\$arch \n" >> /etc/pacman.conf
    4. Powerline # statusline plugin
      pacman -S --noconfirm python-pip # For recommended tool for installing Python packages
      sudo pip install git+git://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline
    5. pacman -S --noconfirm python2-pip #
    6. pacman -S --noconfirm vim-tagbar # Browse the tags of the current file and get an overview of its structure.
  96. common tools
    1. pacman -S --noconfirm pkg-config # For A system for managing library compile/link flags
  97. library
    • pacman -S --noconfirm libmysqlclient # For provides all general connection/querying functions from the MySQL C API,
  98. Terminal
    • pacman -S --noconfirm lxterminal # VTE-based terminal emulator (part of LXDE)
    • pacman -S --noconfirm xfce4-terminal # A modern terminal emulator primarily for the Xfce desktop environment
  99. Python
    • pacman -S --noconfirm python-pyqt5 # A set of Python 3.x bindings for the Qt5 toolkit
  100. Diff Tools
    • pacman -S --noconfirm meld # For Visual diff and merge tool targeted at developers.
    • pacman -S --noconfirm kdiff3 # For KDiff3 is a diff and merge program.
      GIT External Diff / Merge tools
  101. pacman -S --noconfirm pamixer # Pulseaudio command line mixer
    [volume][Archlinux] How to control volume

    pacman -S --noconfirm yaourt # For install more package from different repository which made by user. Refer here first

  1. yaourt -S sublime-text-dev # For Sophisticated text editor for code, html and prose
    Install Sublime Text 3 (Build 3059) In Manjaro/Arch Linux
  2. yaourt -S dpkg # The Debian Package Manager. Don't use it instead of Arch's 'pacman'.
    Installing a .deb package on Arch - Is it possible?

  1. Arch Linux 安裝(二) - X window 與 中文字型
  2. 適用於 GNU/Linux 的字型
  3. 铸成强大的工作站环境——ArchLinux最小化安装
  4. TeX Live
  5. Group Details - gnome (i686)
  6. Xmind - Archlinux command
  7. File systems
  8. GIT External Diff / Merge tools
  1. ArchLinux Forums
  2. 中文 ArchLinux Forums
  3. TeX Live

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