2015年3月1日 星期日

[Archlinux][Raspberry pi] Useful link to know Archlinux in Raspberry pi

  1. [Raspberry Pi][ArchLinux] Install ArchLinux OS into Raspberry Pi
  1. [Archlinux][Raspberry pi] Compiler tool for raspberry pi
  2. [Raspberry Pi][ArchLinux] Set WiFi Access Point in ArchLinux
  3. [wvdial][Archlinux][ubuntu] How to install wvdial and use it to 3g network
  4. [Apache][Archlinux][Raspberry pi] Install apache into Archlinux
  5. [Archlinux] Execute the script at the booting time
  6. [iptables][archlinux][raspberry pi] firewall rules activate at the booting time
  1. [Arduino] Using 74HC595 to control bar graph LED
  2. [Raspberry Pi][Arduino] Raspberry Pi control bar graph LED throught arduino
  3. [Raspberry Pi][Arduino] Raspberry pi connect to arduino by using I2C
  4. [Archlinux] start up i2c interface
  1. [cscope][vim] vim - Load cscope database
  2. [Vim] All vim list
  3. [Vim] Undo your changes even after quitting the VIM editor after the version of vim 7.3
  4. [Vim] Vim script for default setting
  5. vgod vimrc config
Nano skill :
cscope :

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