2016年3月28日 星期一

[Auto level][Prusa I3][3DP] How to leveling the 3D printer

Download Repetier-Host
Learning hwo to start Repetier-Host up

Connect to 3D printer.

Connect object to right place

Seeing the picture can know two pin connect together. (5v connect to Vcc)
Flowowing the instruction connect the SG90 into the board.
The signal of endstop connect to Z(micro switch).

SG90 have three line.
Orange one is signal line.
Red one is power line.
Brown one is ground line.

Input Gcode command at Repetier-Host
M280 P0 S{angle}
So input "M280 P0 S60", SG90 will turn 60 degree.

Upload Marlin Code to the board

Please download prusa_i3 and git checkout to Auto_leveling, find out what diff in Configuration.h.

Start to test the function of auto leveling.

If upload firmware is done.
Start to test the function.

M104 S<TEMP>; Start to preheat the header
G92 Z0;  Set the current z postion as origin
G1 Z10;  Move Z axis up to 10mm avoid probe bang the platform. 
G28 Y;   Y axis return to zero.
G28 X;   X axis return to zero.
G1 X100 Y100 F6000;   Header move to center of platform
M401;  Put the probe down
G28 z;  Z axis return to zero.
G29;             Platform leveling correction dectective
G1 Z5 F3000 ; move z axis up to 5mm 
M109 S<TEMP>;  Wait for temperature up to working temperature.
M82;   E axis use absolute coordinate


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