ngrok wiil display authentication.
Ex: ./ngrok authtoken 7pbKPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaYLW9bbbbbbbbbb
Type authentication token method into pc and pc will store the token.
Start secure tunnel
ngrok tcp 22
After start ngrok will appear following.
Forwarding tcp:// -> localhost:80
Connect to remote machine
ssh -p 33333
Connect to remote machine folder as local folder
sshfs -p 18001 /home/happy/
Send remote file to local
rsync -rvz -e 'ssh -p 12345 -o Compression=no' --progress --remove-sent-files gogo@ .
scp -P 14367
Git clone from remote
git clone ssh://
If user want to use different port service. Please login the webpage of ngrok again will get another authentication token, then repeat above step again. PC will create another port service.
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