General Manager
Audville Local Council
65 Main Rd
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to complain about the unpleasant odour from the litter container near
the Nine-one-one Cafe in Marilyn Street and the vermin it attracts.
It is my opinion that this litter container is sickening and I
request immediate action to remove the container.
The Audville City Council has an obligation to urgently rectify this problem.
Ahigh standard of hygiene needs to be observed for the sake of cafe patrons and
to restore the confidence of local residents.
Your immediate attention to this matter would be appreciated. I look forward to
your reply.
Yours faithfully
Ms Deborah Stefano
25 Vincent Street
Kingaroy QLD 4610
15 April 2010
The Director
Munchkins Childcare Centre
65 Christina Street
Kingaroy QLD 4610
Dear Sir/Madam
I wish to apply for the position of Childcare
Assistant which was advertised in the Inland Mail on Saturday 14 march 2010.
I completed a Certificate 3 in Childrens Services from the Sunny Coast TAFE in Nambour
and have over 5 year's experience working as a childcare assistant at the Beanstalk Childcare Centre in
In my previos position, I cared for infants, toddlers and preschoolers.
Since the beginning of my career in childcare. I have gained many skills in the area of Childhood
Education and Development and feel that I would be a valuable asset to the Munchkins Childcare Centre.
I have enclosed my resume and can be contacted at anytime for an interview on (07)8467 3257.
Yours faithfully
Marie Tosanguan
22 Fort Street
20th November 2010
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to inform you that an error has been made on the travel infringement notice sent
to me by the State Rail Authority for travelling without a ticket from Parramatta
to the City on 23 October 2010.
I wish to state that on 23rd of October 2010. I was on work duty at Donald James
Department Store in Hornsby and did not at any time travel by train to the City.
Enclosed is the copy of my work attendance record for the day. Mrs Theresa Jankovic, my
shift supervisor, is available to endorse my statement.
I would appreciate it if your department could correct the error and guarantee that it
will not affect my chances for renewal of my other official documents such as my driver's licence and car registration.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully
Ms Prapaipak Chatrabhuti
telephone number during business hours ( Telephone(BH) )
telephone number after work hours ( Telephone(AH) )
telephone area code ( STD )
Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Dr etc ( Title )
country of birth ( Country of origin )
first letters of your names ( Initials )
husband or wife ( Spouse )
single, married, widowed, divorced, separated, de facto ( Marital status )
partner not married to ( De facto 同居 )
family name of woman before marriage ( Maiden name )
sign your name ( Signature )
post-box address or where letters should be sent ( Postal address )
name you have chosen to use ( Preferred name )
date of birth ( D.O.B. )
capital letters ( Block letters )
closest relative ( Next of kin )
job ( Occupation )
people who you financially support ( Dependents )
home address ( Residential address )
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