1.release from jail before due time ______ parole
2.not able to pay debts ______ bankruptcy
3.a serious crime ______ felony
4.where accused stands in court ______ dock
5.make or write something to device ______ forge
6.sexual intercourse without consent ______ rape
7.exclusive right to copy original work ______ copyright
8.killing of person by another ______ homicide
9.start a lawsuit against someone ______ sue
10.stealing of property ______ larceny
11.sudden attack with blows or weapons ______ assault
12.having two spouses at the same time ______ bigamy
13.wealth left through a will ______ legacy
14.setting fire to property ______ arson
15.security offered to avoid jail until trial ______ bail
16.group that decides guilt or innocence ______ jury
17.formal written court order ______ writ
18.writing likely to damage reputation ______ libel
19.payment to divorced wives by ex-husbands ______alimony
20.person who settles disputes ______ arbitrator
21.obtain money by threats ______ extortion
22.official order to attend court ______ subpoena
23.act of declaring not guilty ______ acquittal
24.criminal deception ______ fraud
25.telling a lie in court _____ perjury
26.help someone do wrong ______ abet
27.used in courts of law ______ forensic
28.claim property in place of debt ______ lien
29.sound or true ______ valid
30.nullify a charge ______ quash
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