2010年4月22日 星期四


from with to for on
1. You are to be congratulated ______ your achievement in the test. (for/on)
2. The stockings you bought are inferior ______ the ones you had last week.(to)
3. The twins are inseparable ______ each other. (from)
4. The coach decided to substitute an attacking player ______ a defender.(for)
5. I think we shall all benefit ______ a holiday in the country. (from)
6. The job entailed waiting ______ tables and washing the dishes. (on)
7. Do you think my grandfather is eligible ______ a pension ? (for)
8. Are the two new pupils from different countries compatible ______ each other ? (with)
9. The owner said he would have to dispense ______ her services as business was slow. (with)
10. Whaterver you do, do not allude ______ his baldness. (to)

of for in to with
11. Mrs Brown's new baby is sensitive ______ the unexpected hot weather. (to)
12. Young Carol was deprived ______ a mother when she was a baby. (of)
13. Unfortunately he has not been endowed ______ a good brain. (with)
14. After studying hard, Jason was qualified ______ the position of junior accountant. (for)
15. I want to communicate ______ someone in India to find out more about their political problems. (with)
16. My friend Toby is not averse ______ having a large helping of ice cream each night. (to)
17. We shall ask them to participate ______ a discussion about the whole affair. (in)
18. There is no doubt that the Viking warriors had a thirst ______ blood. (for)
19. The referee warned the players not to indulge ______ dirty play. (in)
20. The absent-minded man went out without an umbrella and was oblivious ______ the rain. (to / of)

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